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Спусковой механизм (УСМ Zero) стальной 90 гр для винтовки M24 (Snow Wolf, CYMA CM.702) 

Корпус из алюминия, с анодированным покрытием, ответственные рычаги и шептала из закаленной стали, спусковой крючок с подшипником, оси из нержавеющей стали, две пружины обеспечивают возврат в исходное положение, УСМ состоит из 20 частей . Проверено на пружинах до M190. Легко установить за две минуты. Совместим со штатным предохранителем. 

Для винтовок SW (Snow Wolf) M24, а также для CYMA M24 (CM.702).  

Durable and reliable trigger mechanism is basic premise for a successful upgrade sniper rifle. Stock supplied trigger mechanism is sufficient for basic springs. But when you use stronger springs, significantly increases possibility of the damage. Unfortunately you can`t avoid this even with cheap alloy triggers. Only steel machined mechanism can ensure the greatest durability. CNC trigger mechanism AirsoftPro uses proven design used for the other models. The aim was to create a highly robust trigger mechanism that does not fail even when using the strongest springs. Therefore, it is manufactured with a combination of aluminum alloy and hardened steel parts Body made by CNC machining from light, but durable aluminum alloy 6061-T6. Aluminum parts with high quality anodized finish. Piston catch, lever and the spring guide stopper are made of steel and hardened to HRC48-55. The top of the trigger is equiped with ball bearing for the smoother trigger press. Axis are made of stainless steel. Two torsional springs safety returns catch to the original position. Whole trigger is made of 20 parts. Tested on springs up to M190. All spare parts available. Easy to install under two minutes. Allow to use stock safety lever. Complete set is designed and assembled in the Czech Republic. Partial technical solutions are protected by copyright! This high quality trigger set fit in SW (Snow Wolf) M24, and also on CYMA M24 (CM.702). You can use it for stock or any custom upgrade pistons and cylinders

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