Резинка силикон Maple Leaf 60 гр. для GHK GBB M4
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Холодоустойчивая силиконовая резинка хопапа для GBB автомата M4 производства GHK


Similar to the previous Hybrid-Hop system

Improved internal HOP pressure point

Use GBB specification precision inner barrel to apply Maple Leaf modified GHK HOP seat system

With the Hop-Up Tensioner, the HOP push-down effect is even better!!

Design Features

Brand new silicone material, resistant to freezing and cold

No COLD BORE cold skin shooting effect, the friction between the first shot and subsequent shots is more stable

Can be directly mounted on Maple Leaf GBB specification precision inner barrel and CJ Inner barrel, used for Maple Leaf GHK HOP-UP camber

4 kinds of hardness are optional, 50 degrees / 60 degrees / 70 degrees / 80 degrees, corresponding to different initial velocities

Corresponding to the following Maple Leaf Precision GHK GBB modified HOP-UP seat:

GHK M4A1 MK18 GBB series dedicated HOP-UP seat assembly

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