Полузубый поршень АЕГ без стальной гребенки
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    2 шт.
1580р. 250р.
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Modify Поршень поликарбонат - полузубый на 15 зубов ( эконом вариант - нужно вставить стальную гребенку)

Modify Polycarbonate Piston

- Half Teeth ( Econ. Version )

- Polycarbonate Construction

- Requires First Metal Tooth from normal version


Polycarbonate Piston - Half Teeth (econ. Version)

Half teeth type

Enhanced teeth

3 lubricant grooves

 *Economic version available 

 *econ.version = not including the steel tooth


Why used half teeth? Full teeth with more contact surfaces that should can be withstand harder springs.

In general, the toothed rods are all full-toothed, and most of the half-toothed ones are used in high-speed guns.

Because the high initial speed gun will be used with the high torque gear set, and the third gear (the toothed rod) the active tooth (the gear connected to the second gear) will have an outer diameter larger than the passive tooth (spindle) In order to avoid the active teeth of the third tooth, the tooth on the rack is reduced in width, and the part without teeth is used for the third tooth.

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