Modify Усилитель гирбокса АЕГ Ver. 2
Предназначен для фиксации камеры хопап при сломанной "морде" гирбокса
Имеет канавки для проводки
Не подходит для камеры Pro Win
Modify Wellock Bracer
- Fills the space around hop-up chamber to address the problem of front end cracking, which is common among Ver. 2 Gearboxes
- Suitable for M4 / M16 AEG Series with original / Modify Chamber
AEG Wellock Bracer for Version 2 Gearbox
Modify AEG Airsoft Wellock Bracer for Ver.2 Gearbox
Angle-fixed designed bracer.It fills the space around Hop-up chamber to address the problem of front - end cracking previously encountered in Ver.2 gearbox.
Two grooves offer perfectly lean against the front head of gearbox, increase the stability.
Friendly design offers an extra channel for wiring, prevents wire damage.
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