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Комплект тюнинга для VSR-10. Набор полного апгрейда УСМ типа ZERO TRIGGER для VSR.  Gen 4.1. 

Пружина на выбор М150 (500 fps) или М160 (525 fps) 

Четвертое поколение УСМ для VSR.  Предназначен для мощных пружин. 

Оригинальный УСМ ТМ использует зацеп 45 градусов. Этого достаточно для слабых пружин типа М90. Для более мощных пружин подходит ZERO TRIGGER.  Решение требует замены поршня, который идет в комплекте. Также в комплекте стальная направляющая пружины и собственно пружина на выбор. 

Корпус УСМ из алюминиевого сплава 6061-Т6. 

Анодированное покрытие. 

Ответственные детали изготовлены из закаленной стали. 

Используется шарикоподшипник для спускового крючка. 

Оси изготовлены из нержавеющей стали. 

Весь УСМ состоит из 21 детали. 

Установка за 10 минут. 

Комплект содержит УСМ, направляющую пружины, пружину, гибридный поршень. 

Подходит для Marui VSR-10,  JG BAR-10, Well MB02, MB03, MB07, MB09, MB10, MB11, CYMA CM.701 

Не подходит для M24, Marui AWS, Well MA4401,4402 or Well L96. 


4th generation of the successful trigger mechanism for rifles VSR system. List of improvements can be found below. 

Durable and reliable trigger mechanism is basic premise for a successful upgrade sniper rifle. Stock supplied trigger mechanism is sufficient for basic springs. But when you use stronger springs, significantly increases possibility of the damage. Unfortunately you can`t avoid this even with cheap alloy triggers. Only steel machined mechanism can ensure the greatest durability. 

Rifles working on a system Marui VSR have very bad piston catch system. It is capturing only a small edge and angle of 45 degrees. This is sufficient for relatively basic weak spring, but can`t hold stronger springs. In addition, 45 degree system lift piston end and cause jam in the cylinder. Our CNC metal trigger mechanism brings different solution. It holds piston at 0 degree (here comes name Zero Trigger). Surface is larger and can hold stronge springs. This solution require piston replace. Therefore, it is in the package. And not only trigger and piston, but also steel spring guide and spring based on your choice. 

We also developed own technical solutions and components. For example, construction of the trigger, earing, location of springs, etc.. 


  • Body made by CNC machining from light, but durable aluminum alloy 6061-T6. 
  • Aluminum parts with high quality anodized finish 
  • Piston catch, lever and the spring guide stopper are made of steel and hardened to HRC 28-32. 
  • The top of the trigger is equiped with ball bearing for the smoother trigger press. 
  • Axis are made of stainless steel. 
  • Two torsional springs safety returns catch to the original position. 
  • Whole trigger is made of 21 parts. 
  • All spare parts available (based on request).< 
  • Easy to install under ten minutes. 
  • Complete set is designed and manufactured in the Czech Republic. Partial technical solutions are protected by copyright! 
  • Package include trigger, spring guide, spring and hybrid piston. 

Changes in version 4.1: 

  • The body of the trigger has matte black color. 
  • Spring guide stopper has been redesigned and moved forward. There is no need to push VSR bolt at the end of loading cycle. 
  • Spring guide is all made of stainless steel with a perfectly smooth surface for less friction. 
  • Hybrid piston has been completely redesigned. Rubber pad now exceeds larger area, stainless steel part is shorter, piston is more lightweight. This reduce the weight by a quarter over the previous generation. And lower weight means higher speed. 

This high quality trigger set is dedicated for: 

Marui VSR-10, JG BAR-10 , Well MB02, MB03, MB07, MB09, MB10, MB11 , CYMA CM.701 

Doesn't fit on M24, Marui AWS, Well MA4401,4402 or Well L96. 

4th generetion upgrade set video: 

Notification:  Partial technical solutions of this product are protected with copyright ! 

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