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Нержавеющий стволик 6.03 (±0.01mm) , AEG, длина 416 mm, японский, с двумя орингами для лучшей стабильности.

Отличается от стандартных стволиков Прометей расширенным окном 6.7x4.6mm (стандарт 5х3.5).


●Inner bore width of φ6.03mm with a ±0.01mm tolerance!

●Solid BB stability and accuracy, made with enhanced stainless steel (SUS) material!

●Barrel O-ring spacers for added stability, outer diameter compatibility between 8.6mm〜9.2mm

●Expanded HOP window for a variety of HOP nubs and tensioners 

Inner barrel bore width of 6.03mm with a tolerance of ±0.01mm, made of stainless steel for superior strength necessary to maintain accuracy without the need for coatings. 

■The barrel is arguably the heart of any airsoft gun and determines various performance factors such as velocity (FPS), accuracy, and precision (consistency). Real steel guns have a single metal barrel while airsoft gun barrels come in two pieces, an inner and outer barrel. The outer barrel reproduces the appearance of a real steel barrel, while the inner barrel is the actual barrel which fires the BB.

■The EG Barrel Series is based off of the Tokyo Marui specification barrels. EG Barrels fit a variety of guns and outer barrels, so you can choose from a wide selection of barrel lengths that best suits your own custom build!


■Length: 416mm matched length for the KRYTAC 


・REC 7 Carbine


・Inner diameter 6.03mm

・Outer diameter 8.5mm

■MATERIAL: Stainless Steel (SUS)


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