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PROMETHEUS Спусковой крючок для М-серии серебристый.

Прямой спусковой крючок, для матчевых винтовок (спортивное направление).

Состоит из двух частей, базы и крючка. 

Standard M4 Series STRAIGHT TRIGGER "SIGMA" Silver

This is a straight trigger with sharp design that matches stylish hand guards and frames. It consists of two parts, a base part and a trigger pad, easy to install, and easy to exchange with other colors.

By improving the trigger finger contact area by shaving the corner larger than our "M16 custom trigger", it became possible to correspond to rapid fire as well as shooting.

Also, by setting the total length longer than the usual trigger, it makes it easier to carry out continuous fire with a finger on the trigger guard.

Customized rifles are used in gun matches etc. which are thriving in the United States.

Many shooters are changing its trigger to a straight type.

Straight trigger has good trigger feel, transmits the finger power efficiently to the engine section, and is preferred amongst match shooters.

* To install the trigger, disassembling / assembling of the gear box is required.

Please note that LayLax can not take the responsibility on any damage or accident etc. on the part under work, so if you are not confident please contact to the store etc. where you purchased the products.

■ Product Name: M4 Series STRAIGHT TRIGGER "SIGMA"

■ Type: Model / Color / JAN

【For Standard M4: Silver】 4571443146403

■ Compatible models:

・Tokyo Marui Standard Electric Gun M16, M4 Series Various

■ Material: Base: Zinc Trigger: Aluminum alloy

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