Комплект ЦПГ AEG:
- алюминиевый цельный цилиндр (стволик от 370мм)
- алюминиевая головка цилиндра
- алюминиевая головка поршня с шарикоподшипником
- силиконовая смазка
- запасной оринг головы поршня
Full air system for power increase. Brings durability and better sealing. Package include:
Aluminium cylinder (suitable for inner barrels over 370mm)
Aluminium backpressure piston head with the ball bearing
Aluminium cylinder head
Disposable silicon grease
Spare piston o-ring
Basic condition for the better sealing is good nozzle. It is not included in this package. But if you want, you can buy it separately. On the bellow table you can see all available nozzles. Click on the selected nozzle and product page will open in a new window. Before you proceed check out, please make sure you have all requested parts in your basket.
Apply grease on the all touching parts. It will reduce friction and improove sealing.
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