Silicone rubber omega shape HopUp nub
Есть в наличии


Давилка Омега для хопапа. Силиконовая давилка в форме Омеги для камеры хопапа. Твердость 80. Средний или высокий выхлоп. Обеспечивает лучшее давление и более стабильное вращение шарика. Подходит для АЕГ, и в теории для спрингов (нужно смотреть рычаг давилки) .  

Ширина выреза 3.8мм 

Длина в камере 4 мм  

Диаметр круглой части 2.9 мм 


In most common airsoft chambers, a small rubber roller is between the lever and the HopUp bucking. This pressure roller (nub) provides flexibility and reduces the risk of the BB jam. It pushes the HopUp bucking only at a certain point at the top of it. 

Airsoftpro roller has the Greek alphabet omega shape. Thanks to its square base and cut-out shape, it pushes the HopUp bucking  in a much larger surface. This will ensure a better pressure and thus a more stable rotation of the BB. Suitable for both electric and sniper rifles (if the lever allows it). 

The nub does not have hole inside and is made of silicone hardness shore 80. It is therefore considered to be harder. In addition, due to its shape, it is logical to force the larger part of the HopUp bucking into the barrel. It is therefore more suitable for medium or stronger (higher FPS) guns. Nevertheless, set the HopUp sensitively to prevent the weapon from being jammed. 


  • Material: Silicone rubber 
  • Width for cutout in chamber lever: 3.8mm 
  • Length for opening in the chamber: 4mm 
  • Diameter of the round part in the lever: 2.9mm 

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