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Глушитель 310 х 55 мм VIPER SOUND TECH, алюминий, 14- ccw переменной длины. Глушитель, за который не будет стыдно винтовке Барретта. Длина 31 см, а диаметр 5,5 см. Произведено на станках с ЧПУ из алюминиевого сплава весом 420 грамм. Для лучшей стойкости к царапинам сделано химическое воронение.  

Глушитель устанавливается либо на конец ствола, либо одевается на ствол как рубашка. Для разных способов крепления прилагаются разные крышки. В комплекте идут спейсеры. 

There are many airsoft silencers on the market. It is quite common design accessories. However, if you have a sniper rifle, it is almost  impossible to find a equal silencer that does not look inappropriately on your robust sniper rifle. 

Therefore, we bring you a new product. Robust silencer that would not be ashamed Barrett rifle for. Length is 31 cm and a diameter of 5.5 cm. It's all manufactured on CNC machines from aluminum alloy with a weight of 420 grams. For best scratch resistance is not sprayed paint as another cheap silencers, but deeply chemically blackened. 

An interesting feature is the method of installation. In the box you will find the silencer fitted with two metal caps. Both has 14mm CCW thread inside. It is suitable for the most of airsoft guns or adaptors. Caps are interchangeable. One of the cap has engraved text "Front Toward Enemy". The Silencer can be so, as usual, mounted on adapter or end of the barrel rifles. 

Because this method extend the length of the rifle, you can use another method of installation. In the box you find  third metal cap. It has a large hole in the middle with a rubber seal. Replace the back cap on the silencer and the whole dressing up through the barrel of your rifle. Silencer is screwed on the front cap. Rear cap then using tight o-rings which holds silencer axis of the barrel. 

In the box you will find two o-rings for centering the outer barrel (higher is already inserted in the cap). In some cases it is appropriate before fitting the inner ring lubricated with silicone oil. 

The silencer is suitable for all guns with 14 mm left-hand thread at the end of the barrel, or the optional adapter. For over barrel installation has to be diameter of the barrel in the range of 25-30 mm. 

If your rifle does not have a 14 mm thread at the end of the barrel, you need an adapter. See recomended accessories bellow. 

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