From the very beginning, our company try to produce except common parts also more complex and sophisticated parts. From which you can feel the effort on innovation. All for you, the user of airsoft guns. We are the longest-operating company producing airsoft parts on the Czech market. During that time we have developed a lot of interesting technical solutions. Here is one of them: Brand new chamber for electric SCAR gun. Specially designed for Dboys SCAR SC-01.
As it is evident from the name, this is unique solution, which combines all the characteristics of the HopUp chamber and gearbox reinforce mechanism MBLOCK™. Offered chamber builds on the successful series of precision CNC chambers for manual sniper rifles and CNC Chamber for M4. They have helped many customers resolve problems with double feeding balls, improve performance, sealing, etc. ..
The new chamber is made from a single piece of aluminum alloy 6061-T6, anodized finish. It is a material with high strength, but lightweight. This is not a re-brand, a repackaging of third-party product.
MBLOCK™ (Mechbox Block) is a registered trade mark for our garbox reinforcement mechanism. It is already part of the this body chamber. Device fill the space around HopUp chamber. Holds weak front part of the gearbox and prevents againts breaking. Even more! Keeps wracked gearbox in the possition and allows to continue with playing.
The package is not just a chamber, but also the full range of accessories that you see in the pictures:
Video guide:
Legal notification: This product and its technical solutions were patented by Office of Industrial Property CR !
MBLOCK™ name, related to airsoft components, is Jan Chyba, AirsoftPro.cz company registered trade mark. It is prohibited to use it by different company on airsoft products.
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